What to Do After an Accident
Learn How Our Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help
When you or a loved one have been involved in a serious accident, we know that many questions can pass through your mind. This not only involves issues surrounding your health and safety, but the legal and financial consequences of being involved in a serious incident.
You may not know what to do or what your options even are. In this case, our Phoenix car accident attorney is here to help. Our professional legal staff offers comprehensive and high quality service throughout your entire case. Because we limit our practice exclusively to personal injury law, we are well-versed in the specific issues that affect most cases.
To discuss your unique circumstances, contact the Rafi Law Group online today or call (623) 207-1555!

Protect Yourself After an Accident
In the immediate aftermath of a serious accident, you should not hesitate to seek medical attention. Your doctor needs to thoroughly document all of your injuries, including taking pictures, if possible. In addition to this, you should keep thorough notes on any worsening symptoms and get regular checkups in order to ensure that any injury does not lead to permanent disability.

In addition to seeking medical treatment, keep the following in mind to help maximize your chances to receive maximum recovery:
- Make notes immediately when your memories are fresh
- If it is safe to do so, take pictures of the scene of the accident
- Document any property damage, including taking pictures
- Obtain the contact information for any witnesses
- Do not admit fault
- Do not take the first offer from an insurance company
- Consult with our Phoenix personal injury lawyers

Brandon B. Rafi Founder
William A. Kelhoffer Managing Attorney
Mrigank Nino Mishra Managing Attorney
Afshin Afsharimehr Supervising Attorney
Thomas R. McCarty Supervising Attorney
Julio C. Cuen Supervising Attorney
Matthew W. Nardi Supervising Attorney
Justin A. Hall Supervising Attorney
Benjamin L. Traver Senior Associate Attorney
Robert J. Ross Senior Associate Attorney
Gabriel L. Anderson Senior Associate Attorney
Daniel J. Barraza Associate Attorney
David M. Stephens Associate Attorney
Patrick C. Hassett Associate Attorney
Mackenzie Bettle
Daniel S. Sickle Associate Attorney
Andrew M. Mui Associate Attorney
Madison N. Garrey Associate Attorney
Firas Sawaf Associate Attorney
Allison Lynott Associate Attorney
Keegan Hansen Associate Attorney
Chance Strawderman Junior Associate Attorney