Car Accidents

Avondale Car Accident Lawyers
Create a Strong Claim with Our Help
Car accidents are among the top causes of catastrophic injuries in Arizona and the rest of the country. If you were in a crash caused by another driver, then know that you aren’t alone. Please also know that you have the chance to demand compensation to make things right—and that Rafi Law Group can help.
Our Avondale car accident attorneys would be happy to talk to you about how to pursue a successful injury claim against the driver who hit you, who will likely be defended by their auto insurance company. We have decades of collective experience handling complex and high-stakes claims. Some of our highest case results have been for car accident claimants, too. When so much is on the line, take your case to a law firm that you know can handle it.
For a FREE initial consultation, call (623) 207-1555.
Common Types of Car Accidents
Rafi Law Group has the resources and experience to handle any type of car accident claim. No matter the details that surround the crash, you know that you can take your case to our firm for reliable and compassionate legal counsel.
We can handle car accident cases that involve:
- Head-on collisions: A head-on collision has the potential to cause life-threatening injuries in an instant because the velocities of both vehicles are combined into one significant force of impact.
- Rear-end collisions: A rear-end collision at even a low speed can cause a whiplash injury, which is a serious soft tissue injury of the neck.
- Side-impact collisions: Side-impacts or T-bones are highly dangerous car accidents because most vehicles have reduced safety systems on the sides.
- Rollover accidents: Rollover accidents tend to happen to vehicles with a high center of gravity, like SUVs that can flip themselves when turning or flip when hit from the side.
- Multi-vehicle accidents: If your car accident involved multiple drivers, then we can put the pieces together to figure out liability.
- Single-car accidents: You can bring a single-car accident claim to us, such as if you were in a crash caused by unsafe road conditions or a vehicle defect.
Injuries Caused by Car Accidents
Car accidents can result in severe injuries. The Arizona Department of Transportation estimates that more than 30,000 serious injuries are caused by car accidents each year. If you suffered a catastrophic injury in a crash, then don’t let yourself stay just a part of this statistic. Take legal action to set things right.
Different injuries often associated with car accidents include:
- Back Injuries
- Brain Injuries
- Broken Bones
- Burn Injuries
- Concussions
- Herniated disks
- Neck Injuries
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Whiplash
What to Do & Not Do After an Accident
The steps that you take after a car accident are important. So are the steps you decide not to take. In either situation, the action or inaction can significantly influence the direction and outcome of the car accident claim that you file later.
What you should do after a car accident:
- Call 911 if anyone is seriously injured.
- Take photographs of the scene.
- Collect contact information from all parties.
- Talk to eyewitnesses who stop to help.
- See a medical professional as soon as possible.
What you should not do after a car accident:
- Flee the scene, which is a serious crime.
- Admit fault or say that you are sorry.
- Ignore your aches and pains.
- Accept an insurance settlement offer without reviewing it.
Contact the Rafi Law Group by dialing (623) 207-1555 and ask for a free car accident consultation.
Arizona Highway Speed Limit
Most highways in Arizona have a speed limit of 75 miles per hour (mph), which is 10 mph higher than most in other states. This higher speed limit can contribute to worse auto accidents and more severe injuries. When investigating a car accident claim, we can see if the driver who hit you was breaking even that high speed limit, which could increase their liability.
Arizona Comparative Negligence Law for Car Accidents
Arizona uses a pure comparative negligence rule for liability in injury claims, including car accident claims. This rule allows an injured plaintiff to bring a claim against any party that is at least 1% liable for the accident. Even if the plaintiff is 99% liable for the crash, they don’t lose the right to file a claim to pursue compensation.
Bring Your Case to Rafi Law Group Now
Rafi Law Group and our Avondale car accident attorneys would like to help you make sense of your options after a crash. You can depend on us for any step in the process, including settlement negotiations or litigation if that becomes necessary. We want to make sure that you get all the compensation owed to you, no matter how much that might be when everything is totaled.
Contact the Rafi Law Group by dialing (623) 207-1555 and ask for a free car accident consultation.