The Differences Between a Truck Accident and a Car Accident Case

Any accident on the road has the potential to be incredibly devastating for those involved, but this is especially true for those involving commercial trucks. Due to the sheer size, weight, and force with which they can strike, these accidents tend to result in catastrophic or even fatal injuries. As such, personal injury cases involving trucks tend to differ from car accidents.

Below is a list of differences between truck accidents and car accidents:

  • Several different causes: In a car accident, more often than not, human error is generally the cause. For example, if the driver was distracted while texting, sped through a red light, or failed to stop at a stop sign, resulting in an accident, these are all rather straightforward causes. In a truck accident case, things are far less cut and dry. Equipment failure often plays a part and, even in cases where equipment failure might be to blame, it does not absolve the driver or his or her employer of liability. More than one party can be held liable for an accident, which can seriously complicate matters. This is why it is imperative that you hire a skilled personal injury attorney who has extensive experience in handling truck accident cases.
  • Greater damages involved: In a personal injury case, the law allows for the injured party to be compensated to a point that will return them to the condition they were in prior to the accident, financially and physically. Of course, this can be more difficult in a truck accident case, particularly when the injuries are so severe that a complete recovery is impossible. As such, different damages might be involved, such as nursing home costs, rehabilitation, domestic services, and loss of earning capacity.
  • Severe injuries: Given that greater damages are often involved in truck accident cases, you can certainly expect that the injuries are more severe as well. A fully loaded semi-truck can weigh over 80,000 pounds, whereas an average vehicle weighs about 3,000 pounds. These types of collisions tend to result in debilitating injuries and permanent disabilities that forever alter a person’s life. This is why truckers are required to carry larger than normal liability limits to ensure that more money is available for injured victims.
  • Negligence and liability: The commercial trucking industry is governed by state and federal regulations and it is likely that the driver of the truck involved in an accident would have had to go through specialized training and education, including formalized and specific instructions regarding the loads they are permitted to carry. If an accident occurs and the trucker does not possess these qualifications, the truck driver's employer could potentially be held liable for negligence in the area of hiring and training. Unfortunately, if you hire an attorney who lacks experience in handling truck accident cases, he or she will lack the knowledge that is necessary to determine whether or not an employer is liable for the accident.
  • Why you should involve an attorney: Due to the complexities involved in a truck accident case, it is important to hire a truck accident attorney to field through the investigation and evaluation of your case to ensure any party who might have been at fault for its occurrence his held liable. Otherwise, you could end up missing out on the fair and just compensation you need to move forward.

Knowledgeable Truck Accident Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

If you sustained injuries in a truck accident that was caused by another party’s negligence, you need to hire a skilled truck accident attorney as soon as possible to ensure you hold the responsible party accountable for their actions. At Rafi Law Group in Phoenix, our skilled team of personal injury attorneys is dedicated to fighting on behalf of those who were wrongfully injured and will do what it takes to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Get started on your personal injury case today and reach out to our law office at (623) 207-1555 to request a free initial case evaluation with one of our knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys.

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