What Not to Say to an Insurance Adjuster

Being involved in an accident is a traumatic and overwhelming experience, especially if you sustained serious injuries. In addition to the pain, chaos, and confusion of this moment, you will also have to deal with the aftermath of it and how you handle it will have a considerable impact on the compensation you are able to obtain. One of the first calls you receive will be from the at-fault party’s insurance company. Saying the wrong thing to this individual can irreparably harm your case, so make sure you understand what not to say and hire a personal injury attorney as soon as possible for legal assistance.

Below is a list of some statements you should avoid making to the at-fault party’s insurance adjuster:

  • In my opinion: When you start guessing, thinking, and estimating, you are undoubtedly getting yourself into trouble. If there is something you do not know, it is best to not say anything. If you choose to answer a question, it is best that you only ever state the facts and avoid guessing. Otherwise, if something turns out to be incorrect, the insurance adjuster could use this against you and claim that you are being dishonest.
  • It was my fault: Even if you do not outright say that the accident was your fault, apologizing can also have the same impact, so you should avoid anything that can be construed as an admission of guilt. Even if you believe you were at fault for the accident, there is no need to be in a rush to accept responsibility. Let the investigators, your attorney, and the insurance companies all do their job before you decide to say the accident was your fault.
  • I am not hurt: One of the worst things you can do when speaking to an insurance adjuster is to say that you are not injured. Many injuries do not show up right away and, if you do not have any visible injuries and have yet to experience any symptoms, you might even believe you are okay. However, it is not uncommon for injuries to take time to exhibit symptoms. This is another reason why seeing a doctor immediately after an accident is so crucial. Failing to do so poses a risk to both a person’s well-being and to the future of his or her personal injury claim.
  • Recorded statements: The insurance adjuster will likely ask for a recorded statement. You might feel obligated to agree to this request, but you are actually under no legal obligation to provide a recorded statement. In fact, it is in your best interest that you do not acquiesce this request.

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Phoenix

If you sustained injuries in a  car accident that was caused by someone's negligence, you need to hire a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as soon as possible. At Rafi Law Group in Phoenix, our personal injury attorneys are equipped with the experience and skill that is necessary to effectively represent those who have been wrongfully injured.

Begin your personal injury lawsuit today and contact our team at (623) 207-1555 to schedule a free case evaluation with a member of our legal team.

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