Why It’s Important to Hire a Car Accident Attorney

rear end car accident

After a car accident, you should look for and accept all the help you can get. While this means accepting emergency medical attention immediately afterward, it also means looking for a car accident attorney in the following days. Even when you aren’t sure you should file a car accident claim at all, it is highly recommended you at least talk to a car accident lawyer about what happened.

Consider these three reasons why it’s important to hire a car accident attorney:

  • Accurate damages: A major benefit to hiring a car accident attorney after a serious crash that everyone can appreciate is an attorney’s ability to accurately calculate your damages. In a civil claim, damages are the reasons why the liable party owes you money. When working by yourself, you could easily overlook important and valuable damages, as well as the insurance policies carried by the liable party that could pay for them. Leave this step of your claim or lawsuit up to a lawyer so you can be certain you aren’t leaving “money on the table” due to inexperience.
  • Complete procedures: There are plenty of steps to complete in a car accident claim. To begin, you will need to investigate the crash and respond to insurance inquiries. As your case forms, there will be more to do, including finalizing a claim and filing it with the right court and before the statute of limitations expires. You will also need to prepare for settlement negotiations or litigation if those fail. All in all, there are many steps and procedures to handle, and making a mistake in one can slow the entire process down or, even worse, risk your compensation. A car accident attorney working for you can handle all of these steps with professionalism and insight.
  • Less stress: Insurance companies jump at the chance to defeat a car accident claim filed by someone who is unrepresented. They will pile on the pressure to try to make you accept a settlement that is far below what you need and deserve. They might even outright deny your claim without valid reasons in hope that you give up. When you let a professional car accident attorney act on your behalf, you will find that the stress of the situation will lift right off your shoulders in knowing that you have a powerful legal protector on your side.

In a car accident in Phoenix? Choose one of Arizona’s biggest and most trusted injury law firms: Rafi Law Group, LLC. Our award-winning team of car accident attorneys has been there to stand up for people who have been hurt in crashes caused by the negligence of another driver. Thanks to our extensive experience and reputation in the state’s legal circles, insurance companies big and small know to treat our clients with respect.

Call (623) 207-1555 or contact us online to learn more.

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